Tuesday, October 17, 2017

2 Months in China!

     This past week has been quite eventful; I finally bought a computer, I have officially started all of my classes!
     In regards to my new computer, after a short period of consideration, I decided to purchase a MacBook Air. Yes, it was expensive, but it was definetly not as expensive as I had originally imagined; I had heard that, in China, Apple products were supposedly substantially more expensive than in the United States. However, it seems as though the prices of Apple products in China  and the US are quite comparable. In addition, I was given a decent student discount, which helped a little bit. Even though the price was not the best it could be, one big reason I decided to buy a Apple computer was because many of my teachers warned me about casually buying other brands of computers, emphasizing that there are many swindlers that sell faulty or damaged computers in order to make a quick buck. Thus, since I went to an official Apple store to purchase my computer, I was safe from buying a faulty computer. That is not to say Apple is the only safe place to buy a computer in China; I have been told the website 京东 (jing dong) is an extremely safe and reliable site on which to buy a new computer.
     As for my Nanjing University classes, I have officially chosen a nutrition class and a environmental pollution and health class. In my health class, we have already learned about various topics from angiogenesis to GMOs to gut health. So far, my favorite lecture has been the one to do with angiogenesis. Angiogenesis, simply put, means the growth of new blood vessels. Although this bodily phenomenon sounds like a good thing, sometimes, it can cause some negative side-effects, such as supplying blood and nutrients to a tumor, thereby allowing it to grow bigger. To prevent angiogenesis and tumor growth, it is said that changing one’s diet can help; consuming more foods with anti angiogenesic properties, such as tomatoes, green tea, red grapes, and dark chocolate has been proved to slow tumor growth. 
     As for my environmental pollution and heath class, we have not had an extremely formal lecture yet. Thus far, the teacher has mostly went over guidelines and class expectations.
     As always, questions and comments are welcome! next week, I plan to talk about customs that are common in China that I have not seen in the United States, along with other exiting topics that come up in the next week.
Amy sleeping gin class


  1. Have you found the native students to be welcoming and friendly? Are there students from other parts of the world in classes with you?

    1. So far, I have not had any classmates from parts of the world other than the US and China in my classes. I have talked to a couple of local Chinese students, however, I have been too busy to hang out with any outside of class.
