Saturday, January 5, 2019

Leaving China

Last day at my internship!
     If I were to say I hadn't been looking forward to this day, I would be lying. Although I am extremely lucky to have had this experience and really hone my Mandarin language skills through the Chinese Flagship Program, I desperately missed my friends, my family, and the food back at home, and am ready to leave China. Although I have learned a lot this year and was able to travel and try things many will never have access to, this does not mean this year was without hardship and hard work, and boy am I exhausted. Until next time, China!
     However, this does not mean I will be heading straight home! I thought I could really use a vacation, so I planned a short trip around Asia with a few of my friends! Feel free to follow our adventures around Japan, Thailand and Vietnam on my new blog! The link is listed below:

     As always, thanks for reading! Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below.

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