Wednesday, November 7, 2018

My Internship Thus Far!

     So far, working at DeTao in their Environmental Finance wing has been great! There are only two other people who work in my wing (and no other interns! Wow!), and they have both been very eager to help me out with my first few projects and to get to know me; I am very satisfied with my work environment thus far!
     Speaking of my first projects, my most favorite has been one involving sustainable fashion. In essence, my responsibilities concerning this project have been to conduct research about the broad topic of sustainable fashion, condense my findings into something that might be used in a lecture (the ultimate outcome of this project is to present my findings to a class of design students), and translate my final draft into Mandarin. Listed below is a copy of the final draft:

     All in all, I am very happy with the responsibilities I have been given. I feel as if I am creating something of use as opposed to waisting my time doing what is traditionally considered "intern work",  such as fetching coffees or mindless copying and pasting, or something of that sort.
     This concludes my blogpost for this week, and as always, thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more updates on my future work projects, how living in Shanghai is panning out, and excursions I am planning with some friends around China!

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