Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Paris Toilette/My Favorite Places to Eat

Hi all!
My poor computer
     Sorry, it's been a while since I've posted anything, my computer broke from the torrential downpour that came down on Monday. The streets literally turned in to rivers on that day, and the sewage even backed up in Paris Baguette, a snack shop just down the road from the school, which turned it into a real Paris Toilette (pardon my French).

     Other than the torrential downpour, not many exciting things have been happening. My classes have been a little disappointing since there seems to be no real structure in my classes, and I wish we were learning more vocabulary and sentence structure instead of having motivational speech contests (my class split into two, and each group chose one student to represent their group and give a motivational speech in front of the class, and whichever group's speech was more motivational won extra credit). 

     However, when things get rough and school gets to be simply too much, the food here is definetly very comforting. Here's a list of my favorite places to eat in Nanjing!

Side note (s): I didn't put a lot of the more hole in the wall places in my list (there are a lot!). Also, I would be very cautious eating fish, especially at places with questionable hygiene practices (places that are more high-scale should be fine). I say this because I got food poisoning from fish on three separate occasions! Lastly, I haven't mentioned any of my favorite breakfast places, I'll save that for another time.

Chinese Food
Celebrating a friend's birthday at 海底捞! 
老妈: Halal food, cheap, down the street from school

辛香汇 (Spicy Joint): Sichuan style food, Upscale
楼兰:Xianjiang Food, Upscale

海底捞:Hot pot, Upscale (They'll even massage your hands while you're waiting)
Hot Pot in the 水游城 Mall: Again, I forget the name, but it's very good
成都娃娃:Sichuan style food, Upscale
Fish in Paper: Seafood, Upscale
Food Carts: Be careful, but the food they have is usually great                 
Me n the crew at Spicy Joint!

Nanjing style food at 狮子桥:again, I forget the name of the place, but there are a lot of great option around 狮子桥
鲁氐汤包王:Great soup dumplings by the Confucian Temple
Nanjing style food at 狮子桥

Salmon Eggs Benedict at Eat                   
Not Chinese Food
Uncle's Pizza: Pizza (who would have guessed), close to school
Blue Frog: Burgers and nachos and the like
The Korean places on 汉口路: There are two and they're both ok, I forget their names
Skyways: Great sandwiches
This Thai place in 新街口: I forget the name of the place, but it's by a mediocre Vietnamese place called Rice Paper
Taj Mahal: Indian, close to school
Eat: Brunch Food/American Food, Close to school
McDonalds: Because why not?      
Me and my boi Chris Wu at McD's         
Lava: Close to school, comfortable, there is a very cute cat that lives there!
Human Coffee: Doubles as a bar at night!
Nannar: Expensive but comfortable

Coffee helping me write my thesis

Melissa at the Bassman

Helen's: Awful atmosphere, cheap drinks (great specials)
Revolution: Expensive drinks, great for dancing                                              

The Bassman: Scary basement vibes
Tap Planet: Expensive, tasty beer

    Well, that concludes my list! Feel free to ask about any of these places, or post about any more places that you liked to eat at! For next week, I'll be posting about something that I have very much been looking forward to: a week long break for the mid-autumn festival! During this time, my good friend Melissa and I are planning on visiting a town called Suzhou, and then Shanghai. Next week, I plan to share some of my experiences from these two places! Also, as always, any comments or questions are welcome.


  1. You mentioned food. What is the traditional breakfast there?

    What are your top 5 favorite dishes/foods?

    And what if anything have you not enjoyed eating?

    1. The traditional breakfast is usually soy milk with a fried bread stick, some kind of bun, or some kind of fried breadstick wrapped in a thin pancake or rice, just to name a few. Since it's hard to nail down what foods I like the most, I'll just name cuisines that I like. My favorite food to get here is Sichuan style food. It's super spicy, salty and oily, which ultimately makes it super delicious. Next is probably Xinjiang food, which is very homey, and has lots of thick noodles and soups. Another cuisine that I really enjoy here is Korean food. Although it's not super authentic, the crispy rice dishes are still really good. Lastly, I love dumplings, especially little soup dumplings. They're full of meat and broth, and they're super delicious. There are so many different cuisines here, not only from China, but from all over the world! It's been quite an adventure going out and trying them all. As for dishes that I don't like, I don't come by those often. At the moment, only one dish that I don't like comes to mind:stinky tofu. It smells horrible, and you can tell if someone is cooking it from a mile away. Surprisingly, the taste is not as bad as the smell, but it still isn't that great.
